St.Clair Detroit River System

The international waters of the St. Clair-Detroit River System (SCDRS) include portions of southern Lake Huron, the St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair, the Detroit River, and western Lake Erie. The System is located within Michigan and Ohio, USA, and Ontario, Canada. Waters from the three upper Great Lakes (Superior, Michigan and Huron) flow through the SCDRS and into Lake Erie at a rate of about 120 billion gallons per day. The SCDRS Initiative is a bi-national collaborative partnership with more than 30 organizations, including U.S. and Canadian natural resource-related agencies, First Nations, units of local government, industry and university partners, non-profits, and interested citizens.

Specifically, the purpose of the GLAHF support is to provide geospatial data, host services through the University of Michigan, web access to data (integrated and interpreted) for project partners and stakeholders, and technical expertise needed to support restoration projects in the SCDRS geography. Please refer to the SCDRS Viewer for maps supported by the GLAHF project.



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    Great Lakes Aquatic Habitat Framework is a comprehensive spatial framework, database, and classification for Great Lakes ecological data.
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