The Great Lakes Hydrography Dataset (GLHD) is a set of nested stream networks, reach catchments, and watershed boundaries for the binational extent of the basin.
The GLHD includes spatially equivalent watershed boundaries and hydrology layers for the U.S. and Canadian portions of the Great Lakes Basin. This current, consistent hydrology dataset is useful for addressing binational monitoring, assessment, and hydrologic modeling needs in the region. The ability to quantify and compare hydrologic and landscape-scale data for watersheds that stretch across multiple jurisdictions is of particular importance to be able to provide managers and researchers with a needed tool to identify and quantify changing environmental conditions and indicators across the U.S. and Canada.
The GLHD builds upon previous watershed boundary efforts for the region while incorporating unique features, such as islands and island watersheds and estuaries. The GLHD was created from multiple up-to-date U.S. and Canadian data sources including the National Hydrography Dataset Plus, Version 2 (NHD+V2), the Ontario Integrated Hydrology Dataset (OIHD, 2012), the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), and the National Elevation Dataset (NED).
Great Lakes Hydrography Dataset Project Team
We conducted this work with the support of a multi-disciplinary, bi-national team of experts in hydrology, ecology, and GIS with members from state, provincial, and federal agencies, as well as, universities and NGOs listed below. The GLHD product represents substantive contributions from each team member and a rigorous, iterative review and decision making process.
Team Members
Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Fish Division/Institute for Fisheries Research
University of Michigan
School of Natural Resources
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Land Information Ontario
Mapping and Information Resources Branch
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Mid-Continent Ecology Division
U.S. Geological Survey
New England Water Science Center
Great Lakes Science Center
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Lower Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office
The Nature Conservancy
Michigan Office
Michigan State University
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
International Joint Commission
Great Lakes Office
Watersheds Download Packages
GLHD Version 1 - Great Lakes Basin
GLHD Version 1 – Lake Erie Basin
GLHD Version 1 – Lake Huron Basin
GLHD Version 1 – Lake Michigan Basin
GLHD Version 1 – Lake Ontario Basin
GLHD Version 1 – Lake Superior Basin
More information about the GLHD can be found in Forsyth et al., (2016).